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AudioFuel Runners
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AudioFuel Runners Recommend

Rachel's Story...
"I love the feeling I get from it & I love the challenge"
ATHLETE Jackson Recommends...
Ultra achievments include:
- Running across America
- 24 hrs on a Treadmill
- 26 Treadmill Marathons in 26 days
Angela's Story...
"It's a free way to keep fit & I love running in foreign countries beit in the Italian mountains, a bustling city or along a Czech river bank"
Zoe's Story...
"I love to feel my body working hard"
Anna Trinder
Anna's Story...
"It keeps my body and mind in shape."
Dave's Story...
"I recently became a dad so now more than ever I have to run to keep up with my little girl as she starts growing up."
Victoria Trinder

Victoria's Story...
"It blasts away the stress from the day"
Sean Blair

Jeff's Story...
"It helps to keep me fit both mentaly and physicaly"
Richard's Story...
"After a mini-health scare, I want to stay fit and healthy to see my children grow up"
Sean Blair

Sean's Story...
"Wage war on middle age spread"