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Intensity Rating and Beats per Minute (BPM)
Our intensity rating, based on beats per minute (BPM), helps you choose the right AudioFuel for you.

Your running pace can be measured in beats per minute (BPM) - the number of times your feet hit the ground in a minute of running.

Be aware your running BPM (also known as cadence) is also affected by how tall you are and how fit you are. Think about how fast a chiwawa's legs go compared to a great dane!

For someone of average height and fitness 150 BPM is a gentle pace for warming up or cooling down, and at 170 BPM most people are running fast.

The table below describes the 3 intensities, AudioFuel goes from a fast walk, to a fast run.
Low Intensity
Blue Intensity
Walking and Jogging
125 BPM to 145 BPM

AudioFuel starts with blue intensity workouts, light and energising music for a gentle workout that combines walking and jogging.

Like this sample.
Easy Beats is a typical low intensity compilation.
Easy Beats
High Intensity
Red Intensity
Faster Running
165 BPM to 190 BPM

Red intensity running music is a steady fast pace for most runners. If you've got long legs, this tempo will have you shifting!

Like this sample.
Full Tilt is a typical high intensity compilation.
Full Tilt
Mid Intensity
Green Intensity
150 BPM to 160 BPM

Green intensity AudioFuel running music is a running, (not jogging) tempo for an average height and fitness runner.

Its beat tempo is like this sample.
Alive and Kicking is a typical mid intensity compilation.
Alive and Kicking